I love April 1st! You can really have fun during that day, and I love having fun!
Three basic rules for a good joke:
○ It should be funny not only to you
○ It should not disturb, annoy, or torture others
○ It should have a positive impact. Good mood is.
Know any other rules or ideas? Let me know about them in the comments!
And now is the report from 2014 April Fools Day. Sit back, so you don’t have to ROFL.
Think lawyers don’t have a sense of humor?..
In the morning of the wonderful April 1st, Ken went to the ALFI office alone, being serious and even somewhat sad. But that state didn’t last! 🙂
First, I prepared a lawyer’s joke:
Cut ornament out of polymer clay, add hole for hanging, stamp text using screwdriver tips, bake, backfill with a contrasting color, re-bake, buff, add ribbon. Done!
Then turn over and read the rest of the joke:
When you are done laughing, move to the phase two.
Second, I prepared a letter to go with the ornament:
Those of you out there Harry Potter fans would know dear Ms Mafalda Hopkirk. Besides, I think surname “Hopkirk” goes just fine with “American Bar Assortment”, don’t you think?
Third, I prepared a shipping label to go with the letter. Label needs to be convincing enough. Do your research. When Ken got the package, he said: “Look! ABA has misspelled their own name. How silly of them!” 🙂
Next, put your joke together, seal, and deliver! Note the barcode (bar again!). You can easily make a barcode like this using a free online program.
Now go in and notify the unsuspecting victim.
Type in your message and send! When recipient receives the message, it will lure him out of his office, giving you time to sneak in and fix things up.
Now he is coming back to his office, holding the strange package in his hand. But look! What’s that?..
It’s NOT his office anymore! Oh, no, instructions explicitly said to take package to his office! Now there is nowhere to take it. But he’ll go in anyway 🙂
Then he will open the package – and be in a good mood for the rest of the day! 🙂
And yes, fun is a somewhat contagious thing. When I returned to my computer, I saw that mouse doesn’t work. Maybe it just wanted some cheese?..
And of course nothing like a good old “Fresh Paint” sign. On a leather chair. Totally makes sense, doesn’t it?..
Yes, it was good, and, like all good things, it quickly passed. But, hey, who said all jokes must end on April 2nd??? If they did, I wasn’t listening 🙂
Logo design for Gift Baskets For Lawyers by yours truly. Nice address, too! Scan the QR code, see where it takes you 🙂
Upon opening, Ken found one of the Happy Breakfasts inside, securely surrounded by Albert’s bags, as well as a note from Albert Sr.
Those of you who have never heard of Albert and his hard work, refer to this infamous meme:
Still think lawyers don’t have a sense of humor?..
Disclaimer: I do not work for either American Bar Association or Gift Baskets For Lawyers. Although if I did, I’d have a lot of fun there, too!
Images: Anna Gray and www.beyondgmat.com
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